Wiring diagram for pir security light
I’m connecting a 4- wire cable to an outdoor sensor for a security light. The actual light is separate and already connected. The 4- wire cable extrudes from the wall and is connected to the sensor. Wiring Diagram Pir Security Light Wire Motion Sensor. How To Install Outdoor Motion Detector Lights Www Lightneasy Net. Show-u How to wire up a Passive InfraRed Security Light. There are two things you need going into your PIR. You need a power source and a lamp and of course the PIR sensor. It was all fed from a plugged socket. Wires all go a junction box. Last year they suddenly stopped working. On investigation the PIR device seems fine. Thanks for the feedback. Attached is a diagram of the old light and the new light. I have got it working when the light switch is on but when off, the light used to. How do I wire a switch to a PIR light? How To Wire PIR Motion Sensor Light Switch Correct Wiring probably saves an expensive PIR Sensor from an irrecoverable malf...